Monday, August 25, 2008

Alpha Testing Begins


And I mean it! This has been the most fun I've had building a website. Now it is open for inspection and positive creative contributions by a horde of Friends and Family, followed by a select group of do it yourselfers of various kinds and flavors.

We already had a couple of web builder/designers take a sneak preview of the site. Their feedback was positive enough to stop me in my tracks. The site is nice. It's the best Andrei and I could crunch together. It's pretty complete, complete with it's own list of bugs which we are using the site to keep track of. At the first of August, the bug list was pretty significant. A few events went on between our various families and it took a while. But I realized one day, the bug list only had two bugs. Neither was a real bug, just a feature that needed to be hooked up...

We did it. And now, and maybe for a couple of months of testing, we are opening the doors for Creators. Some we want to give us design ideas and others a technical checklist, but we also want people to use the tools to create projects. And they are coming too... I can't wait to send the invite email! Gonna Happen!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Alpha Release Candidate 1 AlphaRC1

While we ended up a little off the bulls eye, our vector is still aligned and we are moving in the right direction. Our Target Was to be Ready For Alpha Testers by the end of July. It's the beginning of August, still in an acceptable range, true, but while I already am Alpha Testing, it's not quite ready for our Friends and Family Alpha release. I do have a few web developer friends and they are being very helpful, so we really are in Alpha Testing.

I wish I could show it to you, but it has taken four complete functional frameworks to get here, where we're all pretty happy with our choices. Of course integrating it all together for the Release Candidate and our friends and family surfing around in there, they can forgive the color scheme, but the navigation has to work. It drives me crazy when navigation spins me around. So in a little while now, we will go into stealth mode tests. In reality, this blog entry will probably be long lost by the time you run into C What I Can Do, or C what I did... So even as I'm writing it, it is an historical document. Just like from one moment to the next. It can all change...

Here is the state of this project:
1. As mentioned we have a design in place that is A Release Candidate. Target, around the middle of the month.
2. opened it's potential and we are re-thinking of it as more of a Sister Site as much as a part of Right now the logo is CwhatIcanDo with a pale version of CwhatIdid behind it. But as some others have been introduced to the concept, I may have discovered another use altogether for CwhatIdid and the potential is high.
3. We have many things to do before the site will be available to web surfers, bullet-proofing everything making sure our agreements with Creators give them the Intellectual Property Protection we promise. Dotting i's and crossing t's, plus the mechanisms for a lot of the features that will put the dazzle into the site that will make it a cool place to hang out with your creator friends you get here.

I'll keep you posted occassionally here. I have a few notes to myself I need to be able to look back on and regain my bearings. Not that I'm floppin' around just busy.